Today was interesting as I gave break up to shreya finally and told her to never message me neither I'l disturb her . Feeling nice I want everything true and intense and I want everything in my favor I know I am greedy and possessive but what to do i am what i am so at the end heart is free with no hard feelings in heart for anyone . Hoping this will help me in my studies little as I have fucked my one whole year I wanna achieve something this time . Everyone get every time someone somewhere we both will get after separation . Its difficult to feel that what I feel for someone . I know I'l regret but what to do sometimes you have to learn regretting too . School is going fine in study, fighting and enjoying factor . Heart is still heavy what it needs is little space now i feel . We need someone to understand us I think I myself could understand me better than anyone . Thinking for little brightness in this dark dark blurred blurred world .
The thing i said is just untrue as it has changed before 15 min from now so we again had patch Up .
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