Its so difficult every time to be happy . You never know when your day will become miserable and your happiness would be washed in a seconds . In this world you yourself is you best friend no one else could ease and understand your pain better . I am just trying to become an hard soul who didn't get affected by anything today i had fucked up day means i didn't enjoyed ready . I didn't accepted the truth and the hurdles of life today , its good to be sad too sometimes it helps you to be with your self and hence results in self realization . Just want nothing crazy in my life everything is just coming by it self and I am doing nothing great more than accepting . Feeling little suffocated but will recover soon . You can't be happy with any person first you feel good for some time and after words you are unable to understand the person . Nothing like love exist everything is imaginary here nothing real so I too trying to enjoy this unreal world , Happy in my dreams with My dream peoples in my dreamland , nothing i wanna share now i am happy by my self ....
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