Day can't be yours completely and i like twist and turns because it make me tense and in tension i think a lot and thus i love thinking . It was fun in coaching today made two new friends there Shailesh and Saswat . I was getting what sir was explaining today . i only need practice which i am not doing why is that oops oops i too don't know . just had to give labor . My labor will help me only in future so why i don't work hard for myself . Working hard for myself would not be easy task but i have to bring that in habit than only i will be able to survive in this big big competitive world . Nothing is easy even siting doing nothing too is a hard work . after getting fail i realized that . It was too tough for me to sit idol for a whole year but i finally did it .... and achieved what i basically should deserve for that hard work . A good thing i learned in Art of living that You should give your 100 % but in right direction . Past year i knew i need to give 100% but i didn't knew that in which direction i should give my 100 % . Nothing would be able to make me feel good and satisfied after 30 years of my age only and only "one thinking may satisfy my soul that whole my life i gave my 100 % now i am happy what i got in return" . Every sec which i am spoiling now in present will make me cry in future but what to do i am not trying to do time management i am just spoiling it . i will be left with my whole life for enjoyment if i will struggle in this few years but when i will get greedy and will enjoy in present then i have to struggle in future ... Enjoying is not bad but There are more many things much important than enjoyments ..
here too i am unable to express my entire emotions don't know why . Every one lie for some reasons but they should tell the truth after words but they not say a word . Difficult world I am too a part of it . Have to open my eyes soon or else i am going to kick my own ass ......
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