Today had finally break up with shreya feeling little bad but made new g.f guess who she is anushri(anshu) she accepted my proposal . Reason for break up I too don't know technically . After break up I was free and was trying to understand what i was feeling its good for me . I will be able to study little . anushri is of my age so she might understand me properly . One thing i realize during all process that i am an ass .....
Its tough to say that I am an ass
There was nothing in her which can ease my pain
Truth is truth I am an ass
I know that the thing I did will hit me back indirectly in vain
I feel Anshu will understand me better don't know why
I am serious about nothing more only serious about career
I know I am bad and made many girls cry
But I told everyone that I am crazy and mad oh my dear
I am knowing nothing about me but feeling free
God may forgive me for my sin
I got nothing that would have felt me feel nice
I am completely Unsatisfied man who could never win
There is nothing which could affect me I am a devil
My soul Is got fucked up now the thing left is only and only me
I wanna run hard laugh loud And one day I will
Now only Person with whom I can talk is anshu and the great me
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