someone should make some device to detect the emotions it would be really profitable from all prospects .. :p
Had met akshu today gave gift to her , guess what was the gift it was bangles I bought for her from the place I gone for party purpose .
Now a days I am living in dream world with loads of imagination watching dreams in dream too My story is Like the story of Inception sometimes I feel like that . I know its funny where Inception and Where I.
Created A self satisfy logo for myself when I repeat that word In my mind I feel good . The world is " I don't care ".
Everything is fine from different angles , important from different angles but they are so fast they are not getting inside my mind and I don't wanna get that too as I don't care .
Trying to make my own emotion in peace is a better option as it is impossible that anyone could know you better than you know yourself .So its better to laugh hard at every situation no matter what.
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