To make a future great you have to make awesome present , Its like not that important to think about making others mind every time. Sometimes its good to satisfy and make your mind , if you happy you can obviously make many peoples happy .
Sit still and almost take everything makes you strong , you can take sadness and happiness both. Today had no tuition as always will be regular in tuition's after school will reopen .
Had chat with shreya's best friend Tanya I thought her to be an evil and felt hard to talk to her but today had chat with her for long duration and it was nice . Discussed what i feel for nothing , everything is just not more than nothing for
me and she was being logical was giving accurate answers i liked it .
The thing i am loving the most these days is dreaming and sleeping it really helps you to feel better .
Love never existed for me its just a don't know type of thing for me . I don't care sometimes as nothing makes my heart feel free and better with ease .
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