Day can't be heavy over me . i stand no where in the crowd i today realized i am fucked up with my studies and want to achieve something great and valuable . in coaching classes what they were teaching was going up above my head as i was not doing any extra labor what i am saying i should say i was not doing labor leave extra portion . I am not giving a 0 % in comparison of those 100 % which other students are giving . after going to coaching i realized what was study and what was its importance . none of them can guarantee that they will get good college in future but then too they were working so much in comparison to me . ratio was 0 : 100 zero was mine and hundred was of their . i need to do some extra study in home to turn my ratio to 10:100 . extra work was a far away thought i was not doing work which i should do . I myself is Feeling Sorry for myself i need to do something to get an zero too . because i don't think i deserve a zero too . my situation is like a dreamer who like to dream . I wanna get something this year after getting fail . There are many i can't even count who wants me to succeed but i am failing myself and failing those expectations too. it is completely disgraceful of me . i am thinking of little night study from today. i know i could not affect the ratio but then too i will work hard . Changing ratio will take lots of time .
Living about me lets talk on my favorite subject She . She For shreya .
I had lots of thought for her I never wanna go to past of mine and her too neither i wanna stress on future . I am basically trying to live in Present and i am very much happy or could say lucky to have her .
Today one guy was offering me cell numbers of hot chick as he knew that i was a great flirt in Past so could make use of that number but i refused . " holy shit " i refused I Abhilash Agrawal refused the number and told that guy I am not interested . A great step i Took don't why i took that step . but inside i was feeling good as i realized i truly have great feeling for her and i love her like hell .....
hoping tomorrow to be a nice day with lots of happiness with twist and turns ...... as i have no great to do other than talking to her and missing her tomorrow is a filmy Friday so any good movie to may get release ... don't know great about tomorrow as trying to be fix in present and happy to be calm in present ......
i forgot to tell you my bike is now totally repaired now have to ride it carefully ...... ;)
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